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We have wanted a place of our own, a homestead, since we have moved so much over the past few years, due to Aaron’s job. After looking off and on for months, God led us to our little homestead here in Indian Mound, TN. We have been adding animals for the past year. First we added ducks, then chickens, goats, rabbits, hedgehogs, turkey, and geese. We plan on adding mini cows in the future. We are planning to raise our kids not to be reliant on technology, but to spend time in God’s soil, and working with the animals God has provided. Also to live off the land and produce our own food. We want them to understand hard work and see the fruits of their labor. We want to teach them how to grow food, birth animals, deal with loss, and know that who you are isn’t what you have, but how you take care of and serve others. We are learning as we go, but the journey is worth it!! We don’t have the biggest or cleanest house; but our doors, be it house or barn, are always open to those who love our farm as much as we do.


ABOUT Ashron's Acres

We currently breed and raise dairy goats, chickens, turkey, and geese. Our current goats are mini Nubians, Nubians and Nigerian dwarfs. The birds on our farm are a range of Silkies, Easter egger/Americanas, Pekin duck, Orlopp Bronze turkey, Brown African geese. 

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